Keeping People Safe from Domestic Abuse

Community VISION is funded by and works with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to provide support to voluntary, community, social enterprise (VCSE) and faith sector groups and organisations in regard to tackling domestic abuse and supporting their beneficiaries to keep safe.

As the Lead Representative for VCSE in the East Riding, Community VISION can provide a range of support, including 1-1 discussions, information sessions, training, including the DAPS training for levels 1, 2, 3, connections to relevant services locally and nationally and partnership working, membership of the VCSE Domestic Abuse Forum, invitations to relevant events and workshops on the subject, representation at relevant strategic groups and ensuring your organisation and beneficiaries have a voice in shaping local services and strategies to tackle domestic abuse.

For more information or to request support in regard to domestic abuse for your VCSE or faith sector group/organisation, please contact Gemma Jennison, 01482 871 077, email:

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