Setting up your Organisation

If you are interested in setting up an organisation you will need to:

Find trustees/directors, you need a minimum of 3.

Find out more about recruiting trustees (external website)

Decide what type of structure you would like to use. The legal structures table (listed below) may help and you can also find further information on the various structures available. Have a look and see which one would suit your organisation the best.

Choose a name for your organisation. You will also need to ensure the name has not already been used on the GOV.UK website.

Find out more about naming your charity (external website)

Create a governing document. Templates for a charity can be found on the GOV.UK website, they also have templates on their for setting up a private limited company or a Community Interest Company (CIC).

Find out more about charity model governing documents (external website)

Find out more about private limited and CIC governing documents (external website)

For Companies and Charities with an expected income of over £5000 or a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, you will need to register with the Charity Commission or Companies House. Before completing your online charity application you will need to have a clear idea of what your organisation does and the way it operates. They will also require the names (including former) of the trustees, addresses, relevant qualifications, if they are a trustee of any other charity and dates of birth. You will need to have your governing document, copy of your last accounts (if you have them) and a signed trustee declaration available as a PDF file as they must be attached to the application form at the time you submit it.

Find out more about the charity commission information list and trustee declaration form (external website)

Find out more about registering a private company (external website)

If necessary you can register for Corporation Tax via the GOV.UK website.

Register for Corporation Tax (external website)

If you would like further help please do not hesitate to contact us via email using You can also visit our training website to find details of recent courses that you may find useful.

Visit the BOOST Training website

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