Succession Planning Toolkit
Welcome to the resources page, please feel free to download these template documents and apply them to your organisation.
Skills Audit
Board Diversity Audit
Planned Retirement Planner
Trustee Appraisal Checklist
Action Plan Template
The 'org 2' Case Study
Diagnostic Questionnaire
Guide to profile raising
Small Charities Governance – Does advise around effectiveness, trustee recruitment and role. Also, diversity equality and inclusion.
Getting on Board – Aimed at recruitment of trustees, effectiveness of boards and diversity. How to reach trustees including useful resources – skills analysis and diversity audit.
Trustees Unlimited – purely about finding trustees – advertise roles. UK wide.
Association of Chairs – A membership organisation supporting Chairs and Vice Chairs of charities and social enterprises in England and Wales
How to complete a skills audit
Free guides for charitable organisations
Recruiting and inducting trustees
Excellent guidance is also available via the Small Charities Governance Code:
The standard induction plan can be adjusted to ensure that it is suitable for the specific trustee role and organisation. There is an absence of guidance for annual Chair reviews although the Association of Chairs does provide some input in their ‘working with trustees’ series.
For staff appointments, there are many sources of information to assist in the staff induction and appraisal process. For example:
Checklist for induction of new staff
Useful links to ‘How to Guides’ are produced by the Arts Council to improve Diversity across organisations and instigate culture change and can be found at:
Useful insight is also provided by the Sports England Action Plan for Diversity improvement:
The Transform programme also offers useful training and guidance for boards looking to embrace greater diversity. Details can be found via ‘Getting on Board’